William T. Williams: Recent Paintings
For 50 years, painter William T. Williams has sought to expand the vocabulary of abstraction.
For 50 years, painter William T. Williams has sought to expand the vocabulary of abstraction.
What was it that was so powerful about Woodstock?
In 1937, pioneering choreographer Martha Graham noted the power of dance to express “the depths of man’s inner nature, the unconscious, where memory dwells.”
Kathy Butterly is one of today’s most intriguing visual artists. A master of form, expression, and color, she conjures many-layered meanings in her work.
In the painting Everything, 2019, a set of white, wooden doors hinges outward.
During the summer of 2018, the National Academy of Design’s former school had just gone on hiatus and people were wondering how to use the classrooms before vacating the building.
The work of Melissa Meyer possesses a kind of “sprezzatura”—meaning that it takes a great deal of skill and technical bravado to make it look so easy.
White presented the lives of Black men and women, their culture, and allies in heroic terms. Throughout the exhibition, White displays his figures dynamically and full of vivacious energy.