Kathy Butterly’s Universe in Color
Kathy Butterly is one of today’s most intriguing visual artists. A master of form, expression, and color, she conjures many-layered meanings in her work.
Kathy Butterly is one of today’s most intriguing visual artists. A master of form, expression, and color, she conjures many-layered meanings in her work.
Close one eye and hold up your hand to cover the speaking figure on the left. Even without it, the figure on the right is listening.
The current exhibition at LA Louver is small, consisting of a single work. Yet, it is a testament to Saar’s prowess that the piece could be discussed for hours.
The paintings of Don Voisine exhibit a formidable, even disquieting, restraint that can appear impenetrable.
What would it look like if Frank Gehry built a prison?
White presented the lives of Black men and women, their culture, and allies in heroic terms. Throughout the exhibition, White displays his figures dynamically and full of vivacious energy.