Jimmy Wright’s Downtown
During his early years living in New York City, Wright’s work provided a kaleidoscopic document of the city’s still burgeoning queer spaces.
During his early years living in New York City, Wright’s work provided a kaleidoscopic document of the city’s still burgeoning queer spaces.
What is best approach to keep a gallery visually open without resorting to the usual, uninteresting white walls?
Ours may be the only country with a “National Mall.” A mall with grass and museums instead of chain stores—museums that constitute the cultural franchise that is the Smithsonian Institution.
The power and beauty of the work of peter campus lies in his awareness.
For over a half-century, James McGarrell has produced consistently engaging painting.
Kathy Butterly is one of today’s most intriguing visual artists. A master of form, expression, and color, she conjures many-layered meanings in her work.
The work of Melissa Meyer possesses a kind of “sprezzatura”—meaning that it takes a great deal of skill and technical bravado to make it look so easy.